Health & Wellness

When I worked at the Tech Advocate Group marketing agency, one of my major clients was Well Theory, a health & wellness brand that sold natural supplements such as CBD, tart cherry extract, and others. Our team produced live seminars, ebooks, and blogs.

Below is an example of one of the blogs I wrote and edited for this client. I would work directly with the founder of the company, Dr. Meredith Warner, to produce blogs that were informative, educational, and engaging.

The following example both served as a blog post, and a landing page for frequently asked questions. I also wrote the script for the video embedded on this page, which you can review here.

The following are two excerpts are landing pages for broader email campaigns.

The following examples are what we called “evergreen branding blocks,” which were blocks of content and copy that we would place on landing pages and certain blogs for cohesive brand messaging.


Blesser of hearts, scribbler of words, hiker of trails.

Women’s Travel Industry